Friday, January 7, 2011

The first post, and the final word... on 2010.

Well 2010 was an interesting year to say the least... so I wasn't surprised to awake one day with a pretty interesting idea:

It is time for a new venture. No, strike that, a new AD-venture... The Giant Detective Agency. My aim? Simple, to bring the wonderful world of online video to business and artistic interests. I'll be updating regularly on my projects, and will be disseminating a bit of original theory and thoughts on the digital space, technology, politics, and whatever else distracts me.

As exciting as the future is, it is also important to reflect on the past year. I enjoyed the relative freedom of the life of an entrepreneur, but have started looking at the real world again, and SURPRISE! Its still there. The Gulf Coast disaster, financial reform (lite), energy regulation and re-investment (not), politics, pandering, bickering, BLACKHAWKS, recovery (sorta), Prop 8 Flip Flop, reality tv (eck!) and its oddly similar cousin... cable news. We managed as a society to forget Haiti and Chile’s quakes, BP’s oily blanket is hiding under the surface of the water and we have forgotten about it... (well that is till we get PO’d at the Red Lobster and the lack of waist-stretching cholesterol hiking seafood buffets) Now we face a new battle to keep some of the reforms that have managed to get through the most contentious, divisive, INSANE Congress in US History. I wonder if the constituencies that elected all of the new RNC congressmen (who’s states have among the largest constituencies of underinsured and unemployed) are pleased with this? Or will be until they inevitably realize they will be screwed by this? But I digress...

The main thing that held my attention away from all of those random thoughts was the beautiful, bountiful, green-goddessy jardin that graced my backyard. You may hear more about this, as I have some excerpts of a book I’m working on about urban Elysians written under the guise of the Gardendog... but reading and seeing and TASTING are a whole different universe. I’ve gotten to the point my yield was feeding at least a streetgang of squirrels (any tips for non-violent resistance are appreciated), my friends, family, and the nice lady down the street.

Until next time... keep your chin up, your chest out, and smile! You'll never know who'll notice... maybe even the lens of the Giant Detective.

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